123: Joel Boggess and Dr Pei – Action Brings Clarity
If you’ve thought having a successful podcast show is a dream come true, find out exactly how this week’s featured experts skyrocketed to fame in record time. Joel Boggess and Dr Pei are the broadcast team behind the creation, development, and explosive growth of ReLaunch! Their show is filled with Fresh ideas, turning-point stories, and practical steps and solutions from ...
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122: Kathleen Gage – Filling Events Strategically
In today’s competitive market one of the best ways to get in front of your market to build trust fast is with events. Find out how to fill events in a way that goes beyond email marketing. You have to know where your market is, what they are interested in and then be seen and heard in those locations. Contact ...
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121: Kathleen Gage Selling is as Simple as A, B, C
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to close business with ease, while others struggle. Selling is as simple as A, B, C. Find out Kathleen’s simple formula for success and how to turn your business around in 30 days. Contact Kathleen http://www.PowerUpForProfits.com https://www.facebook.com/powerupforprofits https://twitter.com/kathleengage https://www.linkedin.com/in/kathleengage ...
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120: Mary Cheyne From Bombing to Championship – The Journey
1st Runner-Up 2009 Championship of World Speaking Find out what it took for Mary to beat out 25,000 competitors. Hear her insights on limiting beliefs and how to overcome them. Mary shares exactly how to build your business with public speaking. It’s a simple formula that she explains in detail. Discover the difference between the learning circle and the pain ...
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119: Kathleen Gage She Didn’t Let a Missing Leg Stop Her
She didn't let a missing leg stop her Kathleen Gage shares a story about a woman who inspired her to great things. A woman who lost a leg in a motorcycle accident. The woman didn't let this stop her from achieving great things. Don't let your real or imagined limitations stop you from achieving the best you can. Contact Kathleen ...
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118: Kathleen Gage Why I Couldn’t Quit
Why I couldn't quit! How often do we say we want something and then we quit. You reach a point in life where you can't quit. It simply isn't an option. This is what has happened to me with my training for the Eugene Marathon on May 10, 2015. Find out what keeps me motivated. Contact Kathleen http://www.PowerUpForProfits.com https://www.facebook.com/powerupforprofits https://twitter.com/kathleengage ...
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117: Karolyn Blume Overcome Overwhelm One Bite at at Time
Karolyn Vreeland Blume is an expert problem-solver and a gifted strategist. After a long career in law and mediation, Karolyn uses her keen insight as a consultant, served as an adjunct faculty member at Penn State University, and is a founding member of Mediators Beyond Borders International. She is listed in Who’s Who in American Law, and Who’s Who of ...
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116 Kathleen Gage Leaving it All Out on the Stage
One of my favorite shows is The Voice. I love watching raw talent develop week after week. Every season there are men and women who begin to rise to the top and then freeze while others take full advantage of "this one shot at fame." Kimberly Nichole of Seattle, Washington showed millions of viewers what it means to "Leave It ...
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115: Kathleen Gage Be Yourself…it Pays High Dividends
Be yourself...it pays high dividends The old model of business is to be someone that's a shadow of your real self. Business today is light years ahead of where we were in the past. Today it serves you to be totally who you are meant to be. Listen in as I share how my rescue dog and my marathon training ...
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114: Kathleen Gage Integrity Doesn’t Happen By Chance
Lots of people claim to have integrity but often do not follow through on commitments. Kathleen Gage shares what commitment and integrity mean to her and how she applies that to her marathon training and dog and horse rescue. Contact Kathleen http://www.PowerUpForProfits.com https://www.facebook.com/powerupforprofits https://twitter.com/kathleengage https://www.linkedin.com/in/kathleengage ...
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